Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Park Hyeonbae / 2nd draft of character sketch / Tue. 1-3 p.m.

Character Sketch

- My Old Best Friend -

Park Hyeonbae 200801424 

I remember one of my friends. He is now a second lieutenant. I and all of his friends worry about him because he is not the guy for military. But, I can't deny that his appearance is very mannish. But only that can't be the element for military. Actually, he likes neat things and he is very sensitive. So, all of the friends including me are very apprehensive about him in military service. But at the same time, we all believe him to do it well because he has a good endurance.

 He is not tall. He has a rather big build. As I heard, his height is just as the same as that in his elementary school time. In that time, maybe he was the biggest child among the kids, but now he is just one of the ordinary guys.


 He is one of my old friends. And I think he and I are the best friends. He is usually laughed because he is fat, but I think he just have a big build, not fat; of course, he is rather heavier than common people. His entire appearance is like a bear with a big build, but also a relaxed atmosphere. Also he is gentle, not wild and aggressive. Rather, he likes emotional and small things like fancy designed stationery and he put the emotions of people in great importance.


 He likes to take pictures with his cameras. He used to say "A film camera is much more emotional than a digital camera and I like that. It needs to concentrate on the very moment to take a good picture, but the digital camera needs just to push the button." Yes, he is a kind of mania. He likes analog more than digital, so he used to collect chronometric watches, film cameras once. Also he even could make a cup of coffee from roasting to dripping! He is such a romantic guy.


 He usually seems to be lazy. Usually he doesn't hurry in anything. And he is rather skeptical about life. He usually sighs for what he didn't and couldn't do. He used to think that he has nothing special nor fun in his life. He thinks that he let his life flow by itself so he doesn't get any meaningful thing. Then his friends around him just have nothing to do for him but encourage and cheer him up. We-his friends- already got used to it. It's a kind of regular pattern. He sighs, then his friends cheer him up, but he keeps going blue, then the friends accept it as usual.


 He likes to listen to music, especially pop song and rock music. I also came to like various kinds of music, thanks to him. He presented a gate of a broad world of music. When we were in high school, we talked a lot about music. We listened to many songs and talked about what music and songs are good during break times. At the first time, we used to listen to Japanese songs, and then we got to like western rock music, including the Beatles and so on.


 He is very kind to every person. He cares about the people around him. He likes to talk with people. Even if it's just about tiny things, he doesn't mind to share with people. He isn't stubborn with people. He doesn't force anyone with anything.



 I think he is a great guy, and I'm so lucky to have this good man as my best friend. I think there's scarcely a person like him, and it might be hard to find anyone like him as a friend. He is my good old friend.

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